Sunday, March 24, 2013

Review: Fetish Run for Cover Nail Color in ICON

Nail Polish:    Fetish Run For Cover Nail Color in ICON

Day Applied:    03-17-2013

Cost:    $1.00 (purchased at Dollar Tree, availability of brand unknown)

Coats until same color as the bottle:   

Two to three coats depending on how thickly applied.  I actually had to apply this twice as the first time I did it I ended up smearing it badly by accident.  The first time I applied thick coats and it only took two coats to look like the color in the bottle.  The second application (the next day) I also did two coats but they were much thinner and most of the nails do just about look like the color in the bottle, but on one nail I appear to have gone a little too thin with the coats and it probably could have used a third coat.

Shimmer:    Yes

Drying time:   

30 minutes per coat until touch dry.

Image after one coat:   

Image after two coats:   

Day Two:   

Tiny chip on the tip of the right hand index finger; barely noticeable unless the light catches it just right.  This is also the finger I did too thin of a coat on so that might have something to do with why this one chipped.

Day Two Image  

Day Three:   

Looks the same as yesterday.

Day Three Image   

Day Four:   

There is a small to medium, depending on your definition, chip on the index finger on the left hand and tip wear is starting to show, although not significantly.

Day Four Image    

Day Five:   

Tip wear getting slightly more obvious.

Day Five Image   

Day Six:   

There is a small to medium sized chipped that has formed on the right hand middle finger down the side of the nail that is visible from at least a foot away. The small chip on the right hand index finger has also gotten larger. Tip wear is becoming more obvious.

Day Six Image   

Second image is the right hand nails as taken by my husband.  The two color nails are Wet N Wild Chrome nail color in A Show At the Palladium, which were limited edition so I am not sure if they are still available.

Day Seven:   

Right hand middle nail chip has grown a little and now there is an obvious chip on the left hand middle nail.  Tip wear did not change much from the previous day.

Day Seven Image   

Website for brand:    None found

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