Saturday, May 11, 2013

Review: Madame Milly Eye Shadow Duo #5

The kit this is from was purchased for me by my husband a few months ago. I am not sure if the same kit is still available; this series of reviews is intended to help with deciding whether future purchases from this brand is worthwhile.

Eyeshadow:    Madame Milly Eye Shadow Duo #5 - Pink Shade

From Left to right:

With Primer/Applied with brush
No Primer/Applied with brush
With Primer/Applied with finger
No Primer/Applied with finger

Applied At:    7:00 PM

Cost: (Without any discounts)    Kits at Kohl's range from $20 to $40.  Kohl's does run regular sales so I always recommend waiting for one of those when considering makeup there.

Shimmer: Yes, but it didn't really transfer to the lid.

Crease time without primer:   

Five hours and my husband and I agreed that there was a light crease.  I will add that at three hours looking in my lighted makeup mirror it looked like it had creased, but when I checked under the much brighter bathroom lights with a makeup mirror I couldn't see the crease line so the time is somewhat flexible.

Crease time with e.l.f. eyeshadow primer:   

At 1:00 am there is a hint of a possible crease forming at the very inner corner of the eye lid when viewed through the lighted makeup mirror, but I don't see it at all under the bright bathroom lights with a separate makeup mirror; will continue to monitor.  Going to call this one at 2:30 am.  It may actually still be fine and it is possible that the line is actually my skin, but I would rather error on the side of caution than to say something is better than it actually is.  Seven hours and 30 minutes until creasing.  Because of how hard this color is for me to see, I did not re-test.

Fade time without primer:   

Because I can barely see the color to begin with I am just checking for creasing.

Fade time with e.l.f. eyeshadow primer:   

Because I can barely see the color to begin with I am just checking for creasing.

Fallout on to the rest of the face:   

Did not notice any when applied or later.

Can I actually see the color on the lid:   

This was almost a no, then I swatched the color on the inside of my wrist where my skin is the lightest and held that up to my face and realized that there is pink there.  I had to apply this very heavily to get the color to really show, but I would not say it completely true to the color in the pan, although this is another, almost the same color as my eye lid shadow.  The problem with my skin is I am probably more of a neutral than a warm or a cool, because I have some yellow and some pink to my skin tone, but if I use a color that is either definitely pink or definitely yellow it tends to blend.  If I stand next to someone who has a yellow based skin tone, I look bright pink.  But if I stand next to my husband who is very pink, I look yellow, which is why I think I have some of both.  It is only the redness in my cheeks from having very thin skin that makes people assume I have a pink based skin tone, but it does not cover the whole face.  This is a very long way of saying only under very bright light can I see this color.

Day or Night makeup:   

Day makeup, but only because it looks like my actual lid color and from more than a couple of inches away I couldn't see the crease at all.  This probably won't be heavily used during the day because it is so hard to see unless my fibromyalgia goes away and I can start working again because this does feel very work appropriate.

Tips:    This would probably really benefit from a cream base to improve the color appearance.

Eyeshadow:    Madame Milly Eye Shadow Duo #5 - Purplish Shade

From Left to right:

With Primer/Applied with brush
No Primer/Applied with brush
With Primer/Applied with finger
No Primer/Applied with finger

Applied At:    7:00 PM

Shimmer: Yes, but it didn't really transfer to the lid.

Crease time without primer:   

Five hours, definite crease.

Crease time with e.l.f. eyeshadow primer:   

11 hours and removed for bed.

Fade time without primer:   

Four hours and 30 minutes.

Fade time with e.l.f. eyeshadow primer:   

11 hours and removed for bed.

Fallout on to the rest of the face:   

Did not really notice any when applying.  After a couple of hours I did see little flecks of glitter, mostly on the un-primed side just below the lower lash line.

Can two colors from the same brand be blended together:   

No, the purplish shadow sort of was able to be faded out at the top edge, but when I tried to blend it down into the pink it didn't move.  The pink didn't blend at all, it just rubbed away.

Can I actually see the color on the lid:   

Yes, although the side with the primer became visible much quicker than the side without primer.

Day or Night makeup:   

Day makeup, of the two colors in this duo this is the one that shows the most.  While it is something of a pastel, it is also a kind of bright one you build up the color enough so my use of it will probably be limited to solo lid color, although choice of lip color paired with this will be important as the wrong color can look really odd with it.

Website for brand:

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