Yesterday they came over and I had arranged a selection of my nail polishes for them to pick from and told them if they didn't see anything they liked we could look at the larger collection.
My Polish Picks: Wet N Wild Fastdry in 224C The Wonder Yellows and Wet N Wild Wild Shine in 469 Hallucinate
I applied two coats of the Wet N Wild Fastdry in 224C The Wonder Yellows to all of my nails and then added the Wet N Wild Wild Shine in 469 Hallucinate to the pinky and ring finger nails of both hands as an accent.
Oldest Niece's Picks: Expressions Ice Cream Scented Polish and a Markwin for CVS polish
My oldest niece applied a coat of Expressions Ice Cream Scented Polish to all of her nails and then did a french tip inspired stripe of black with the Markwin for CVS polish on all of the tips of her nails.
The Expressions Ice Cream Scented Polish is from a company called Almar Sales ( I am not certain where this polished was purchased, but it was either a Dollar Tree or Walgreens, either way, it went on remarkably full color in one coat.
Youngest Niece's Picks: L.A. Colors Color Craze (no color name on the bottle), Wet N Wild Fantasy Makers in 12487 Nail in the Coffin, and Wet N Wild Fantasy Makers in 12490 Go with the Glow.
My youngest niece put a layer of the L.A. Colors nail polish on all of her nails to create a bright orange base and then used the Wet N Wild Fantasy Makers in 12487 Nail in the Coffin to put a stripe of black up the middle of each nail. She topped off all of the nails with the Wet N Wilds Fantasy Makers in 12490 Go with the Glow for fun later seeing how well the glow in the dark worked. She mentioned afterwards that she had wanted to make lightening bolts on her nails, but then I think realized the difficulty of painting a lightening bolt on a nail with a full sized nail polish brush so decided to go with tiger stripes.
Fun was had by all as we painted our nails and watched Wreck-It Ralph; we all agreed we would want to live in Sugar Rush although I don't think we all had the same reasons. Their father, who is a painter, complimented them on their nail art and chatted for a little while before it was time for them to go home.
Hopefully we will be able to do more nail polish parties once the school year is over.
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