This month's Keep in Mind is not a makeup item or tool, though it is helping me to use my makeup more. It is a schedule. Not a hard schedule that I have to do, but suggestions for each day of the week. Not every day involves application of makeup, but having some direction does seem to be helping me to actually apply makeup just about daily.
The idea for this was actually spawned by nail polish. I have a lot of nail polish, I only use a handful of the actual polishes and rarely do nail art, primarily because I have no skill in art in general. I wanted to come up with something to help me remember to just do manicures and pedicures every week and for some reason I always wanted to make them a Monday thing but always forgot to do them on Mondays so then I wouldn't do them for the rest of the week. My husband and I were already trying to remember to do facials every Friday and having a hard time with getting the day right and I was trying to figure out if there was a weekly calendar big enough that we would see it and remember it. So I thought if I was already writing in Facials on Friday I could also add manicures on Monday. But then I felt that the rest of the days of the week needed things as well to help me use my makeup more and to try and push myself to use more makeup than just what I would normally gravitate towards.
The schedule for the week:
Mani Monday
With a pedicure or I would forget to do them.
I made little construction paper tabs in each of the color families that I have nail polish for, which is all of them, to remind me to use a different type of color each week until I make it through the whole rotation. Polishes used are then moves into a container until I have used all of the polishes I have for that color family, then they go back to the container for that color nail polish to pull from again. Only one color counts per week, so while I used red and orange last week I only counted the red and this week I used pink and green, but only counted the pink.
Turn it Off Tuesday
Offline for the whole day, a challenge set by my husband because even when I am having a migraine I try to spend time online. This actually wasn't that hard the first Tuesday attempted and is to help me try and find ways to occupy my time that won't aggravate my migraines.
What's New Wednesday
I have to try something new, either eye shadow, blush, or lip stick, or something I don't remember using because I know some of it is probably going to fall into that category.
I made a list with each makeup item on little tabs (pulling from a pile with my eyes closed) of makeup that I could not remember ever using or was still sealed. Once I use the makeup I remove the tab it is listed on and tack it to the space next to Second Try Saturday to help me remember to use it again.
Thoughts on Thursday
Work on writing reviews to post, this way I might get something posted once a week.
I hand write my notes for reviews when I am testing things, the problem that tends to occur is that I forget to ever type them up and post them. So now I have them each individually tacked next to the day for Thursday and the goal is to get one written up each week. More would be nice, but last week's took so much out of me to just do one write up for a lip stick I am no expecting more than one.
Friday Facials
The day of the week I exfoliate and my husband and I both do masks.
We both try to take care of our skin and it is nice to be able to do this together.
Second Try Saturday
Reuse the thing from Wednesday, suggested by my husband because usually one use is not enough to form an opinion on something. Once something has been used twice, provided I remembered to write thoughts about it, it may get posted on the review blog, eventually. At this point I have a backlog of things to post about, but that is okay because it takes me while to review things.
Sunday Funday
Use something bright, either eye shadow or lip product, made extra challenging because it is also chat with parents day. Whenever I chat with my parents or have a day with a good chance of leaving the house I try to do more simple makeup, not less makeup, just generally do not use bold or stronger colors. I am trying to break that tendency with this challenge for myself. I like the bolder, brighter colors, I just do not generally feel comfortable wearing them out of the house.
So far it has been working and I have managed to keep up with the schedule for the limited time I have been using it. As I said, it is not a hard schedule, if I have a day where I just cannot get out of bed, or deal with light, or move, I am not going to beat myself up over missing the day. This is more to give me ideas on what to do for each day because I am not good at coming up with ideas on my own.
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