Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Empties: Makeup I Have Used Up: 06-12-2013

Sheer Cover Mineral Foundation: Latte

Latte is the empty container, Buff is the full container that I will now be working on.

I am not going to do a review of this foundation as I do not feel qualified yet to review foundations. I am just too darn picky about how I think foundations should work and I have issues with how I think my skin looks as compared to how it actually looks, which is pretty clear and reasonably even. Also, this foundation is many shades too dark for me so I would have to use it in a very thin layer and take it all the way down my chest if it was at all exposed and because I have very little (less than 1/4 of an inch) hair, I would also lightly dust the back of my neck to make sure everything matched. I will say, that in spite of being a sample size, this foundation lasted several months of rather random uses and I was actually thinking it was never going to end and I didn't want to be that person that just cakes it on just to finish it (I have been that person before, it didn't make me feel good after I did it).  Would I buy more of this stuff, in the right shade, probably not, just because mineral makeup and people who drop things all the time are probably not a good combination if you also want to try and keep things clean in your makeup area.

I do have a second one, but this time in Buff, which I think is lighter, but not totally sure.  This one is in a slightly larger container, but according to the information printed on the back actually has the same amount of product.  I will now be working my way through this for the next several months I am sure.  It is also too dark for me, but at least it looks like it may be slightly less too dark for me.

These two Sheer Cover samples were purchased for me by my husband's parents at a garage sale in a sealed kit that came with two concealers (still working on) and a small makeup palette (still working) couple of small brushes (one fell apart, would not recommend), and a traveling case (that I am not sure where it ended up).  While the foundation isn't a match for me, that wasn't what we were worried about in the beginning, we were just trying to find things to keep me distracted and on that front, these worked well because it gave me something to work with that I wasn't worried about whether or not I would be able to afford to buy more of.

I would also like to mention that I am going to be cleaning out the packaging of the one in Latte and reusing it to house my Everyday Mineral sample foundations that I have been holding off on trying since receiving them last year thanks to their $0.01 plus cheap shipping sample offer they have on their website. If I can peal the sticker off the sample pouch I will attach it to the bottom of the container so I know which one I am using and actually decide if any of them are worth me trying to get despite my tendencies to drop things.

Apologies for the shadows over the containers, the setup I started using that was lighting things well has been temporarily (for the summer) been moved to the living room from the bedroom because the living room is where the AC is, but not where the lights are and the angle on the tripod is now much greater than it once was.  I will try and sort out the angle and distance issue by the time I post something I am actually reviewing.

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