Monday, March 25, 2013

Review: Madame Milly Eye Shadow Duo #1

The kit this eyeshadow duo is from was purchased for me by my husband a few months ago.  I am not sure if the same kit is still available; this series of reviews is intended to help with deciding whether future purchases from this brand is worthwhile.

Eyeshadow:    Madame Milly: Duo #1 - Lightest Shade

From Left to right:

With Primer/Applied with brush
No Primer/Applied with brush
With Primer/Applied with finger
No Primer/Applied with finger

Applied at:    Noon

Cost:    Kits at Kohl's range from $20 to $40.  Kohl's does run regular sales so I always recommend waiting for one of those when considering makeup there.

Shimmer:    Yes

Crease time without primer:   

Six hours, although I think that is only because the color is so light and I can only see the crease line with a magnified mirror under five bright lights.

Crease time with e.l.f. eyeshadow primer:   

It never creased, I wore this shadow for 11 hours and only took it off because I knew I would be going to sleep soon.  I even had my husband check it to make sure it wasn't just my vision and he couldn't see a crease either.

Fade time without primer:   

Four hours - Pretty much all of the color is gone, although some of the shimmer remains.  At least there is no creasing yet.  After Five hours a lot of the shimmer is gone, although there is still some and I can only see it under bright light, in normal lighting it doesn't look like I have eyeshadow on at all.  But at least there is still no creasing, although that may be because there is almost no shadow.

Fade time with e.l.f. eyeshadow primer:   

Five hours and there is still some color and all of the shimmer.  Hard to say if it is as bright cream as it was when I applied it, but I can definitely tell I have eyeshadow on and not just shimmer.  After 11 hours I could still tell what color it was supposed to be and the e.l.f. eyeshadow primer doesn't really help with color showing, just color staying.

Fallout on to the rest of the face:   

After initial application there was some fallout under the eyes and on the cheeks of the shimmer which I removed easily with a cotton ball.  After 40 minutes of wear I checked my face and there was already very fine shimmers showing up on my cheeks where I did not apply any makeup.  This is very fine shimmer and I can only actually see it when my face is within a couple of inches of the mirror.  More than a foot away and it is completely non-visible so as long as it stays that way it will be something of a non-issue for me.  The shimmer on the face never really grew and what had fallen to the cheeks seemed to slowly fall off the face itself, although there always seemed to be a very small amount somewhere on the face.

Can I actually see the color on the lid:   

Yes, with and without the primer although with the primer the color is more true to the color in the pan as without the primer the redness of my eyelid is coming through and showing as well.  Because the color is close to my skin tone the shimmer is more obvious than the color itself.

Day or Night makeup:   

Day makeup.  Because of my paleness I think with the right crease color I could even get away with this as a lid color, although it will most likely be used as a highlight.  It definitely needs a primer, but every eyeshadow I have ever used has needed a primer so that is a non-issue for me.


For the lightness of this shade it is probably intended as a brow bone and inner corner highlight but can be used as a lid color if you are okay with a lot of shimmer because this is mostly shimmer.

Eyeshadow:    Madame Milly: Duo #1 - Darker Shade

From Left to right:

With Primer/Applied with brush
No Primer/Applied with brush
With Primer/Applied with finger
No Primer/Applied with finger
Applied At:    9:45 AM

Cost: (Without any discounts)    Kits at Kolh's range from $20 to $40.  Kolh's does run regular sales so I always recommend waiting for one of those when considering makeup there.

Shimmer:     Yes

Crease time without primer:   

After five hours I am starting to see my eyelid without shimmer and a very light crease so I am going to call this the crease time.

Crease time with e.l.f. eyeshadow primer:   

After 11 hours I removed the eyeshadow because I needed to go to sleep, it never actually creased.

Fade time without primer:   

Because I can't actually see the color on my lid this will be when the shimmer starts to fade.  After five hours I am starting to see my eyelid without shimmer and a very light crease so I am going to call this the fade time.

Fade time with e.l.f. eyeshadow primer:   

Because I can't actually see the color on my lid this will be when the shimmer starts to fade.  After 11 hours I removed the eyeshadow because I needed to go to sleep, it never actually faded.

Fallout on to the rest of the face:   

This one actually didn't have any fall out after applying.  I also never noticed any fallout on the face over the entire course of the day.

Can two colors from the same brand be blended together:   

I applied the lighter color all over the lid and the darker color in the crease with the edge of the eyeshadow brush.  Then with a blending brush used circular and sweeping motions to blend.  End result, the sharp line of the darker color was blurred out but I could still tell that there are two colors so I would call that successful.

Can I actually see the color on the lid:   

At first I thought this was going to be a color deemed un-pigmented because I can barely see it on my lid, but then I held the duo up to my eyelid and realized it actually was pretty much the same color.  The side without the e.l.f. eyeshadow primer does appear a little off color, but I have hyper pigmentation on my eyelids that makes it look like I am always wearing a tan eyeshadow and appears to influence all eyeshadows lighter than it.  I think both of the eyeshadows in this duo were probably intended to be used as highlight colors for the other five duos based on how they appear on me.

Day or Night makeup:   

Despite it being difficult to see, I am still going to consider this day makeup for me because used as a highlight either under brow or in the inner corner, it works well because it does add a nice level of shimmer without being too distracting of a color (stark whites tend to look odd on me).  Of the two shades in this duo I would say this is the most user friendly one has after several hours I don't see any shimmers appearing on my face and with my NW 10 MAC skin tone, it gives a highlight without giving an obvious color so it could be used in any eyeshadow look.


These eyeshadows would probably benefit from a cream base, my suggestion would be a white or cream colored base to help make them show more intensely.  Since I do not actually have a white or cream based cream shadow I cannot say this with absolute certainty, just based on how I have seen many others improve the visibility of eyeshadows that might otherwise not show as well on the lid.

Website for brand:

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